I have an issue with King Solomon. It bothers me that someone so revered for his God-given wisdom could think it is a good idea to take on 700 wives and 300 concubines. That’s a tough one to wrap my mind around even without knowing these women would distract him from God. (I Kings 11:3) While I am grateful that our Heavenly Father can use flawed people—I am certainly flawed—it is disappointing to see someone in such a high position fail so miserably.


God knew that despite experiencing His presence among them, the Israelites would clamor for a human king. While He warned them against the consequences of submitting to a king made of flesh and blood, God realized they would not listen. Therefore, in Deuteronomy, before the Israelites even entered the Promised Land, God laid out instructions for a godly Israelite king.

Kingly Requirements

  • He must be chosen by God
  • He must be an Israelite
  • He must not acquire multitudes of horses
  • He must not return to Egypt to obtain horses
  • He must not take many wives
  • He must not gather vast amounts of wealth for himself


Furthermore, God provided instructions for the king once he was in power:

“When he takes the throne of his kingdom, he is to write for himself on a scroll a copy of this law, taken from that of the Levitical priests. It is to be with him, and he is to read it all the days of his life so that he may learn to revere the Lord his God and follow carefully all the words of this law and these decrees.” (Deuteronomy 17:18-19)

King Solomon

Sadly, King Solomon, despite his tremendous wisdom, did not follow the instructions set out by God. 1 Kings 10:23-11:13 tells us King Solomon:

  • Gathered horses and chariots (10:26)
  • Amassed wealth (10:27)
  • Imported horses from Egypt (10:28)
  • Loved many foreign women (11: 1)
  • Had 700 wives and 300 concubines who turned his heart away from God (11:3)
  • Built high places where his wives could worship false gods (11:7-8)


King Solomon’s actions were not without consequences. Solomon remained in power and is remembered today for his wisdom, the building projects he undertook, and his brilliance in amassing wealth and improving trade for Israel. However, following his death, the kingdom was torn in two with the majority of the tribes of Israel no longer under the rule of Solomon’s family. Solomon gave up his family’s right to a united and enduring kingdom by chasing after the fleeting things of this earth: wealth, sex, and power.

Application for Believers Today

While I feel disgusted with Solomon for his actions, I have to admit that I too frequently choose foolish, worldly things over the lasting goodness offered by God. Therefore, I would be wise to learn a lesson from the life of this king, beloved by God despite his great failings. How can I avoid making the mistakes King Solomon made?

  1. I can keep myself daily in God’s Word. God advised the kings of Israel to write out His commandments on a scroll and read them daily in order to carefully obey His laws. I don’t know how often Solomon read the instructions given by God, but I suspect that his heart would have been convicted and he may have turned from wrongdoing had he studied these commands each day.
  2. I can keep my eyes focused steadily on Jesus, no matter how enticing the worldly pleasures around me. I may not be tempted to amass horses, silver, or lovers. However, whenever I allow worldly things to distract me from the beauty and goodness of God, I am behaving no better than King Solomon did.
  3. I can remember God’s faithfulness to those who love and obey Him. King Solomon made some big mistakes, as did his father, King David. However, God had promised David that his kingdom would endure forever—and we need look no further than to Jesus Christ who descended from the lineage of David. Despite the mistakes, missteps, and downright evilness of human behavior, God is faithful and just to carry out His promises. When we in turn are faithful, we reap the benefits of being a part of His good plans for us and for humankind.


Heavenly Father, Thank You for your goodness, faithfulness, and enduring love. Thank You for your patience with Your children. Please help me to stay in Your Word, love You with all my heart, and obey Your good and loving instructions. In Jesus’ name, amen.

(For more on the faithfulness of God throughout the Old Testament with applications for believers today, check out Pam Gillaspie’s Sweeter Than Chocolate! An Inductive Study of Hebrews 11.)