Dear Jesus,

I’m so grateful that our relationship doesn’t depend on my coming to You with articulate, beautifully crafted prayers. Instead, when I am empty, I curl up in Your quiet presence, and speak peace and power into my life through the words You have given in Your holy Word.

Today, I just want to rest in You, in Your Name, in Your presence.

Thank You, that when I am weak, You are strong. Thank You that my weakness is not a barrier to Your work in me, but an asset—because it allows me to boast not in my own power, but in Yours. (2 Corinthians 12:9).

My heart is troubled. Therefore, I am grateful that I can turn to You as the Prince of Peace. (John 14:27).

I feel alone at times. I thank You for the reminder that You are Emmanuel, God with me. (Matthew 1:23).

I know I cannot be perfect, do all the right things, or come even close to saving myself. I am grateful that You are my Savior, Messiah, and Redeemer. (1 Peter 1:18-21).

The hunger in my soul cannot be soothed with food, neither the most decadent treats nor the most nutritious cuisines.  I thank You that You are the Bread of Life. Furthermore, my thirst is not quenched by any of the beverages that stock my refrigerator shelves. I am grateful to You, the Living Water, who came so I may never thirst again. (John 6:35)

The news reports are bleak and the world seems a cold and dark place. I praise You, for You are the Light of the World, The bright Morning Star. I follow You, and cling to Your word that “whoever follows You will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12).

Life sometimes appears random and meaningless. I thank You for the truth that You are the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. You are the Almighty, “who is, who was, and who is to come.” (Revelation 1:8). Everything is in Your hand, under Your power, and serves Your purposes.

Jesus, I thank You that as the Lamb of God, His own Beloved Son, You came to earth as proof of God’s great and compassionate love for a broken world and a hurting people. (Romans 5:8).

Thank You, Lord, that You are big enough, strong enough, and powerful enough to rule over all creation. (1 Chronicles 29:11).

Thank You that You are intimate enough, kind enough, and tender enough to walk by my side. (Isaiah 41:10, John 14:16).


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