“Count your blessings” is a phrase that used to make me inwardly cringe. It sounds too trite, too simplistic. I thought it was something to say to ungrateful children when they are upset about not getting their way. Surely something as simple as counting my blessings couldn’t actually soothe my mind and heart when I am anxious about grown-up problems. Surely my concerns are more significant than that when I am worrying about family members living in this chaotic world, anxious about the health of loved ones, or sickened by violence in our nation and our world. Surely, I am not an ungrateful child upset that life doesn’t look the way I think it should!

However, sometimes the weight of anxiety for my family, community, and world becomes too great. There are days where I stop for a moment, taking deep breaths. There are nights when I jar awake and can’t get back to sleep. In those moments, I have decided I have nothing to lose by putting this simple phrase, “count your blessings,” into practice.

As I gaze at my naughty-yet-adorable dog peacefully snoozing next to me, I count it a blessing. As I reflect on good decisions my grown children have made, I count it a blessing. As my mom sends me a funny Snapchat, I count it a blessing. Before I know it, a tidal wave of blessings comes to mind. And, miraculously, those beautiful thoughts of thankfulness and gratitude wash away the doubts, fears, and worries that had previously overwhelmed my spirit.

Light in a messenger’s eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones. Proverbs 15:30

Science backs up what the Bible has told us all along. The American Psychological Association published a study showing that heart failure patients who practiced gratitude had better sleep quality, less depression, and improved heart health compared to those who did not. The patients not only had a better mental outlook, but they also had stronger, healthier hearts! Our God is so good! He has designed our minds and bodies so beautifully!

Counting blessings—a simple practice with big benefits. Even for grownups!

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100:4-5

Dear Heavenly Father, there are many times the Bible tells us to offer up our praise and thanksgiving. How beautiful to realize you don’t require this of us to stoke your ego. No, you ask this of us because you know it will nurture our souls, invigorate our minds, and strengthen our bodies. We love you, and we praise you. You are a good, good Father. Amen.

6 Replies to “Counting Blessings”

  1. Awww even Rusty is a blessing!
    Counting my daily blessings makes a huge, noticeable difference in my life too 🙂

    1. Yes, even Rusty has his moments! I am so glad to hear you are counting your blessings. You are certainly one of mine! Love you!

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