Heart-shaped boxes of chocolates, pastel candy hearts stamped with messages, and chocolate-covered strawberries fill me with delight.

Even better than yummy Valentine treats are sweet notes and loving words from my dear ones. Oftentimes, the focus of Valentine’s Day is on romantic love. Yet, the day is sweeter when we also share love and joy with others God has placed in our path.

Some of us look forward to Valentine’s Day as a chance to bestow tasty treats and messages of endearment on those you love. For others, Valentine’s Day stirs up painful feelings of loss or disappointment.

Fortunately, if we look carefully, we can catch special “love notes from God.” Even better, our loving Heavenly Father doesn’t wait for February 14th to send little messages of love our way. However, if we don’t pay attention, we may let them slip past us unnoticed. As I search my mind, I realize how many times recently God has sent me little messages of love.

Morning sun streaming through the windows.

The lush view of rolling green hills in an often dry and brown California landscape.

A joy-filled sunrise photo from my teen daughter.

Ecstatic morning doggy kisses.

A silly Snapchat message from one of my busy college kids.

A husband who unexpectedly grabs a dish towel to help with mealtime cleanup.

A song on the radio that speaks to my heart.

A hug from one of my high schoolers.

A friend who texts just the right Bible verse at just the right time.

An invitation from a new acquaintance.

An encouraging email from a long-distance pal.

Silky doggy ears.

A purple and orange sunset.

A cloudless blue sky, or one populated with fluffy, white, cotton-candy clouds.

The beauty of waves crashing against a rocky shore.

Dear Lord, thank you that I need look no further than to You to know that I am dearly loved. Help me notice your little love notes to me, and help me to share that love with others. Amen

Have you noticed any little messages of love from God? Please share in the comments!