“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10)

I’ve always loved reading. I was the kid who spent car trips on the floor of the car with a pile of books, only grudgingly popping up to look out the window when my dad pointed out the scenery. When my mom would kick us kids out of the house to get some fresh air, I would climb a tree and read a book from my leafy perch. As an adult, I have been known to prop up a book on the windowsill as I wash dishes, listen to audiobooks in the car, and read Kindle books on my phone at volleyball games when my daughter’s team isn’t on the court. (Hey, it is apparently socially acceptable to stare at your phone during volleyball games, but somehow weird to read a book. So, I found a loophole! 😊)

I thought it would be fun to share some of the books I’ve been reading on my blog from time to time. It might help me keep track of them as well, since I tend to have three or four going simultaneously. 😜

It only seems fitting that I begin with the beautiful Christian fiction novel, What Love Looks Like, written by my very own sister, Stacy Boatman. Stacy’s book was published just this month, and it is the perfect tale to escape into. This engaging story takes place in the fictional town of Lake Diamond, MN. There, Stacy weaves together the stories of a young widower navigating single parenthood; a kindergarten teacher guarding a secret; and a sweet, elderly neighbor who has found the secret of having life, and having it to the full.

What Love Looks Like is populated with relatable characters and enchanting settings. I found myself wanting to join teacher Simone and her friends at the local coffee shop for a cup of java. I’d love to pick some crunchy, juicy apples at Diamond Orchard for dipping in caramel. And, since I adore lake life, I enjoyed imagining myself admiring the glittering stars over Lake Diamond.

If you are looking for a book with a storyline that keeps you turning the pages while also speaking to your heart of God’s goodness, forgiveness, and redemption, then I highly recommend this treasure! You can find your copy today on Amazon, or message me, and I will get one to you.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the beauty of words. Thank you for the ability to read and for the ways we can use books to learn, grow, and even just rest, relax, and enjoy ourselves! Thank you so much for those who speak goodness and truth into our lives through their stories. Amen

4 Replies to “Time Out for Beautiful Books”

  1. Kristen, this is so beautifully written. You captured Diamond and the hearts of its inhabitants so well. Thank you for sharing your “experience” in the small lake town. That’s what I pray for—that readers will find an escape, a retreat from daily life, and feel hope when they turn the last page.

    I look forward to reading more book reviews from you. You’ve recommended some real treasures to me over the years.💖

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