We all experience the ups and downs of life. We encounter seasons in which our hearts are full to bursting, and stages when we feel our very souls are parched and dusty. Desert seasons are nothing new, and we are not the first to cry out to God as we stumble through the dry and dusty sands of a thirsty landscape.  

A glance through the Bible reveals many of God’s people found themselves wandering through the wilderness both literally and figuratively. What stands out to me, is that whether or not these difficult seasons were a result of the person’s own choices, our loving heavenly Father never abandoned his children. As we walk through our own seasons of barrenness, we too can be assured that our loving Father never leaves our side.

God Provides for Us

1 Kings 17 finds the prophet Elijah hiding out east of the Jordan. Elijah had just delivered the disastrous news that a years-long drought was upon the land of King Ahab and Northern Israel. God had directed Elijah to this place along a river to take cover from Ahab’s wrath. Yet, the Lord did not leave Elijah on his own. Each morning, ravens brought to Elijah his provisions of meat and bread (I Kings 17:6). Once the nearby brook that furnished water dried up, the Lord sent Elijah to the home of a widow, where the Lord provided a glorious miracle that fed not only Elijah but also the widow and her son. Check out the full, beautiful story here in 1 Kings 17:7-24.

God is With Us

The Israelites, in their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land, spent many years traveling, wandering, and aching to experience the comforts of their permanent home. They witnessed many miracles along their journey, yet they persisted in grumbling, complaining, and looking to false gods. Despite their many sins and shortcomings, God was with them. He traveled ahead of them in a column of cloud by day and a column of fire by night (Exodus 13:21). He provided food for them in the form of manna sent from Heaven (Exodus 16). Then, when the time finally arrived for Israel to inhabit her new home, God toppled the walls of Jericho (Joshua 6).

God Can Create Good From Painful Circumstances

A shining example of God’s ability to take evil circumstances and use them for good is seen in the life of Joseph. As a young man, his brothers despised him and sold him into slavery. It is difficult to imagine a more heart-wrenching situation than that of being so strikingly rejected and cast aside by one’s own family. Yet, we know that because Joseph went through this desert time, he eventually rose to a position of authority in Egypt and was able to save his family and many others from famine (Genesis 37-47).

Jesus Experienced the Desert Too

Our Lord Jesus himself experienced a time of trial in the wilderness. In Matthew 4:1-11, we learn that Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness. During this time, he experienced and triumphed over hunger, weariness, and temptation by the devil. Our precious Savior knows what it means to suffer. His loving heart aches when he sees his children in pain.

My friend, may you take comfort in knowing that even when you are experiencing the pain and desolation of a desert season, God is with you. He understands the pain you are suffering. God will provide for you, and somehow, good will come from even this agonizing ordeal. Hold fast to the hand of your Savior, for he cares for you.

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 (NIV)

Dear Lord, it is so hard to see beyond the desolate landscape that surrounds us. I thank you that you are not distant and unfeeling, but that you are here with us. Help us to cling to you when the sands are shifting beneath our feet. Amen.

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