Fruit of the Spirit: Producing Bounty in Barren Seasons

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Galatians 5:22

As a child growing up in Minnesota, I was disappointed to learn that strawberries could only be harvested during a narrow window of time in the early summer. My mother would watch for reports that the U-pick farms were open, and we would head out to gather baskets of the luscious berries, my little sisters and I sampling as we made our way along the rows. I enjoyed repeating this tradition with my own children as we loaded our freezer with berries to enjoy throughout the year. If we happened to miss the season, we would have to wait until the next year, making do with the strawberries found on grocery store displays.

Fortunately, unlike strawberries, love is not a fruit that can only be harvested under certain conditions, at particular times of the year. In fact, when our hearts feel barren, our minds are uneasy, and we think we have nothing to give, reaching out in love is the antidote that soothes our own souls while simultaneously warming the hearts of others.

My friend, if you are feeling fearful, discouraged, or unsettled, may I suggest reaching out in love to someone else? Sometimes the balm that calms our spirits is the giving of love to someone else. You may be feeling isolated, anxious, and uncertain about the future. Many of us are experiencing these same emotions.  A sweet note in the mail, the offer to pick up groceries for a neighbor, a funny video texted to a friend, or a monetary donation to a food bank are all gestures of love that can warm your hurting heart as well as someone else’s.

I would love to hear your ideas for spreading love to others while we are sheltering in place. Please share your suggestions in the comments.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you that love is always in season. Help us to reach out to others, even when we are feeling lost and afraid. Amen.

If you would like a copy of my PDF entitled, 5 Verses for Focusing on Faith Instead of Fear, subscribe to my blog, and I will be glad to send you a copy. 💙