“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18

This has been a difficult week among difficult weeks.

On Saturday, I virtually attended the funeral for a beautiful young adult whose life was cut short way too soon by sudden illness. My heart cannot even grasp the pain her mother is experiencing at this loss.

Furthermore, my sweet grandma’s youngest sister died last week. Grandma was able to leave her residence for the first time in months to attend the funeral, only to now be quarantined to her apartment for two weeks.

Finally, I have spoken on the phone with another elderly loved one in a nursing home who is alone, afraid, suffering, and confused. I can offer her no solace. No one can hold her hand. It is impossible to ease her mind.

There is still goodness in the world. There is beauty. There is love.

But sometimes I need to sit in the sadness, loss, powerlessness, and grief.

Today is such a day.

Dear Lord, I know you grieve alongside the brokenhearted. Please fill us with your presence. Your Word tells us that one day You will wipe away every tear from our eyes, and death shall be no more. One day there will be no more mourning, crying, or pain. Until that day, thank you for walking with us through the pain and trials of this life. I praise You, for You are goodness, truth, and love. Amen.

One Reply to “Grieving”

  1. Your words in “Grieving” are so comforting, beautifully said, my sentiments exactly. Thank you. ❤️

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