While enjoying an anniversary getaway this weekend, I was struck by man’s fragility and impermanence in this world. A stroll along the California coastline at low tide revealed ruined sections of highway and luxury homes that had slid down the embankment and onto the beach. I was amazed at how the slabs of concrete and remnants of stone structures resembled the ancient ruins I have viewed in history books or in photographs.

Modern humankind takes great pride in our education, intelligence, and technological advances. We build skyscrapers of steel and glass, perform scientific research to cure and prevent diseases, and pride ourselves on our intellect and strength. We attempt to conquer nature and consider ourselves rulers of all we behold.

Yet, we are not the masters of the natural world. We may be reminded of this by the slow and steady erosion of wind and water against the soft ground beneath our million-dollar mansions. Or we may be reminded as hurricanes rip through our communities, leaving instant devastation in their wake. Then again, we may discover we are not immune to the ravages of a virus that can steal the very breath from our lungs despite all of the medical advances we have achieved.

Jesus told the parable of the wise man who built his house upon solid rock. When the winds blew, the storms raged, and the waves crashed, this house stood tall and strong. However, the foolish man built his home upon the sand. As the winds blew, his foundation eroded. As the storms raged, his house was beaten down. Then, when the waves crashed, his home was overcome and dashed upon the ground. (Matthew 7:24-27)

Sometimes, it takes witnessing a real-life example of this principle to truly understand the message Jesus longs for us to hear.

When I seek to rest my soul on things like sound health, creature comforts, and financial security, I am building my house upon sands that can shift at any moment. Like beautiful mansions that inch closer to the sea as the ground beneath them erodes, these things cannot provide a firm foundation for my spirit.

Instead, my soul longs for the permanent, immovable, unshakable foundation of faith in Christ as the only source of true security and stability. When I build the shelter of my life on the precepts found in God’s Word, I can withstand life’s storms. I may be battered by physical illness, material losses, and emotional or physical pain. But my soul will stand firm on the solid bedrock of eternal hope in Christ Jesus.

Dear Lord, it can be so tempting to seek security in the things of this world, despite their instability and impermanence. Please help me to build my house on the solid rock of your faithful promises. I praise You for You are unchanging, omnipotent, and all-powerful. Amen.

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